What is Resiliency?

Interior Architecture + Design undergraduate program
This course examines the development and impact of resiliency as it relates to a community’s ability to predict, react and adapt to unanticipated factors.  Students gain factual knowledge about the strategies and tools required for implementing resiliency with a focus on historical built environments and business continuity planning.  Students analyze and observe various resilient approaches used across the globe and explore these important cultural and geographical differences through international travel. 

For the spring 2016 semester we are focusing on Boston and Barcelona.  Mount Ida College is located in Newton MA and travel to Barcelona will occur in May 2016.


What is it and why is it important?

noun re·sil·ience \ri-ˈzil-yən(t)s\
: the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens

Heat Waves: Lauren LoPresti

Heat waves present a challenge in Barcelona, Spain and several other urban cities such as Hong Kong and London that fall under the 100 most...

Heat waves present a challenge in Barcelona, Spain and several other urban cities such as Hong Kong and London that fall under the 100 most resilient cities in the world. Heat waves are a result of climate change and urban heat islands which the info graphic below touches upon. By solving urban heat islands, heat waves can be significantly decreased and as a result will defer climate change. The three solutions are based on precedent studies and research I gathered from the internet.



Kolokotroni, M. (2011). London’s urban heat island: Impact on current and future energy consumption in office buildings.

Liu, H. (2012) The Urban Heat Islands Analysis: Factors of Building Surface, Green Area and Lighting.

Matthies, F. (2008). Heat-health action plans: Guidance. Copenhagen, Denmark: World Health Organization, Europe.

Spain's May heatwave breaks records. (2015). Retrieved May 03, 2016, from http://www.thelocal.es/20150514/catalonia-in-record-breaking-may-heatwave