Heat Waves: Lauren LoPresti
9:37 PM
Heat waves present a challenge in Barcelona, Spain and several other urban cities such as Hong Kong and London that fall under the 100 most resilient cities in the world. Heat waves are a result of climate change and urban heat islands which the info graphic below touches upon. By solving urban heat islands, heat waves can be significantly decreased and as a result will defer climate change. The three solutions are based on precedent studies and research I gathered from the internet.
Kolokotroni, M. (2011). London’s urban heat island: Impact on current and future energy consumption in office buildings.
Liu, H. (2012) The Urban Heat Islands Analysis: Factors of Building Surface, Green Area and Lighting.
Matthies, F. (2008). Heat-health action plans: Guidance. Copenhagen, Denmark: World Health Organization, Europe.
Spain's May heatwave breaks records. (2015). Retrieved May 03, 2016, from http://www.thelocal.es/20150514/catalonia-in-record-breaking-may-heatwave